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Time for a Chat [nsfw gore 18+]

Posted by AcidX - March 9th, 2016

Hey all,

Hope you are enjoying 2016. As always, I left it too long between posts so have too much to say. Not your typical blog post though, this one is entirely different and mostly focused on a personal thing that happened to me recently.

Back in December I had a pretty epic car crash and once again narrowly avoided death. I broke three bones (my femur, pubic ramus and L7 in my spine). I've never broke a bone before and was not ready for that level of pain during my lunchbreak. I remember being sat in my totalled car and, by coincidence, a friend of mine pulled up in the traffic. I hadn't even tried to move, I think due to shock... but was sat there all like "Does my leg look right to you?" we were both unsure but looking back.. It was wobbly as hell and falling down the side of my seat. Definitely did not look right. I had hoped it was only dislocated but nope, sure as hell.. It done broke gudd. So then the ambulance crew arrives and ask me to try and move. Safe to say I screamed louder and more than I ever have or knew I could.

My car. I'm still in there!


This is what a combined impact speed of 90mph looks like (on-scene estimate from a police). If I was carrying a passenger, they wouldn't have survived. It was clear they needed to cut the roof off, after that, they cut my clothes off and tried to lift me. Only to be met with even louder and even more screams. Then they dosed me up on two big doses of morphine and about 7 burly guys hauled me carefully out of my car onto a stretcher, which was inserted behind my back against my seat. It was still painful but wow, they did me proud. It's not often people treat you the way you want to be treated in this life but... To them... It's a day job. Heroes.


Naturally I was rushed to hospital... Had all kinds of pain and tests done. X-rays, scans. Projectile vomited everywhere in A&E. All the while, people cleaning off the blood. Multiple people plucking out glass from my arms and legs (I couldn't even feel that because the pain of broken bones nullified it that much!)... Such a surreal experience.

The next day I went to surgery. They stitched up a huge glasswound on my left hand. Cleaned me up a lot and oh yeah! Nailed a rod into my femur!! That's right, I have a bionic leg now. I'm held together with a piece of titanium, along with some nasty scars. Following all that, it was a steady road of feeling helpless and struggling with everything. I was out of hospital after a 7-day stay. Went to my work Christmas party on the day I got out! (it happened to be at my friends work and I was very well looked after) Went through all of Christmas, with my whole leg swollen to about twice the size and drugged up on opiate painkillers.


Above: Seatbelt/steering wheel wounds. Even now, after three months, I can feel the swelling and stinging on my pectoralis major. Also, fun fact... The mark on my forearm is where part of my face smacked into it; the marks on my bicep are from my teeth. That fucking hurt. Also had crazy black bruises on both wrists as I slammed into the steering wheel.


Above: 9 stictches in my hand. 31+ staples in my leg. Almost all the flesh on the back of my hand was torn off. I have no idea how they managed to stitch it back up.


Above: Glasswounds. I had a similar pattern in my leg too; apparently much larger shards were in my shins, having managed to penetrate my brand new jeans!

Not an ideal start to my year but... At the same time.. It gave me time to detach myself from everything. This scummy system called capitalism. I got away from it all and... For the first time in almost ten years... I feel more like me than I have in ages. I caught up on reading and got through Adam Phillips' (chluaid's) book on ToonBoom (Animate to Harmony). Did a ton of drawing and writing. For Christmas I was extremely lucky and got a big pack of Copic Markers! Only the fucking best markers money can buy. I've been busy. Getting back in touch with my roots and...finally... Feeling happy for it. After so much depression and stress of the impending doom that society and capitalism puts us all under... I can finally say I truly don't give a fuck. I've let it all go. All my demons, are their demons now. I'm me again baby!

Yeah I've been drawing a lot, even since before the accident. I've read and watched a lot of educational material. Time to revive AcidX. I've been working on it slowly the last few years but things are going to gain momentum now. I've invested heavily in equipment and will be switching to real animation software (ToonBoom). My old cartoons are super old now. I made them all on ghetto-ass machines like 5 years out of date. We were poor as shit. Not the typical background or upbringing for an animator. Now I have real power and professional equipment behind me. I'm gonna do this properly, like I've been longing to for so long. Life is too fucking short and can disappear in an instant. No more just letting it slip through my fingers. Fuck pleasing others. Fuck everyone who said I can't do it. Fuck all the agencies that doubted my ability. Fuck being who other people want me to be. Just fuck it all. I'm gonna do my thing now and not sell out to anyone. I do this for love, not glory.


On a lighter note.. The Deadpool movie was good, right!?


Holy 5#!T Man !
By the looks of your car "remains" looks like it could have been a lot worse. (Not saying it was a walk in the park) Nice you got something good out of all that. We humans are "easily distracted" creatures, and sometimes we lose things we like, while looking for others that seem important, but are not quite. Grab what you love and don't let it escape your sight.

For sure. I was lucky my car spun out the way it did, when it did. Had we crashed head-on, or I been spinning the other way... I certainly wouldn't be writing this. Have definitely been distracted and not doing things for myself. Always trying to please others was my biggest wrong and ultimately my undoing. Times change, things change...but I ain't never giving this up! These things only make us stronger.

This could have been a lot worst and I understand your new look on life. It sucks it took a near death experience to open ones eyes, count your blessings because this is one of them. Glad you are safe and okay. Good words near the end, don't be the person others want you to be but be who you choose to be. Btw Dead Pool was awesome.

Oh Ive had a few near death experiences already but this was the one that finally made me lose my shit. My life is mine now, not what other people want it to be :)
Deadpool was great. Gina Carano did real good in the role as Angel Dust, I thought. Can't wait for Cable in DP2!!

Holy shit. How did I miss this? I'm happy to hear you got out of it alive man, I bet you had a little existential moment during all of this.

I had quite a few of those throughout! The most notable and severe moment was when I couldn't breathe for a minute or more and everything started to turn white... As my steering wheel airbag didn't go off due to side impact, winded me the bad way where your heart stops... But after some screaming and breathing out, eventually I managed to force some air in and come back to normal. Was a bit panicky being stuck in my car when it was smoking as well. Lucky I was in good hands. Could have been a lot more traumatic if nobody showed up for ages.

Nasty, glad most of you made it! I made a post like this May 2011, right after my old car got smooshed (young woman forgot there was a stop sign in front of her). I've got some stuff on medical CD's but don't have the software to display anything... I do have a shot of the spinal disc fragments (dyed blue) that once were pressing on my cyatic nerves, a real screamable pain, #2 worst pain right behind my kidney stones.

That metal bar is/was in your upper leg? Oww :( And yeah, it's pretty amazing that the Bible tells of very, very old humans, some very, very tall as well. I can only guess that certain plants/meditations/super sciences, were available to a certain few humans back then... JordanD talked a little about it in his Spirit Science series here (which now seems like an abandoned account, possibly due to too much kibbling over facts/reality)

Oh wow, I'll check it out some day. I bet that was painful for sure!! I cracked lumbar 7 and the aches off that were a killer. Couldn't slouch, had to sit with a pillow. Yeah, I bet... Pressing on the nerves...yeah... I bet that basically felt like the same as when I tried to lift my broken leg. Hah, when they dosed me with morphine, I was holding up my knee and saying to the paramedic "oh hey, look this part of my leg works fine!" and beding my lower leg up and down, twisting my foot lmao. Yeah, as normality slowly returns, it feels weird to think I have a titanium rod inside me now.... Just something you never really consider, you know?

Yes the bible and frankly every religious text tell a strange story. I often wonder whether it really all happened in the last ~6000 years or if it's a slowly evolved story handed down from millions of generations ago. Looking into lots of paranormal and archaeology stuff in all this free time... I'm starting to think humans go way further back than 20,000 years. Also that, at some point, there was something else. Giants? The popular Incan elongated skull people? Were these 'mortal gods'? The people that these legends depict?? Either way, back when the atmosphere was very different and before major cataclysms.... Species grew differently. The world worked completely differently. Some theories even point to the idea that were actually devolving. Given the shift in population density and decline of intelligence... I can almost believe it? Yes, ancient history will always fascinate me. Shame we'll never know the answers in my lifetime, as it contradicts modern history and the education curriculum so thoroughly. Recently I befriended someone with an archaeology degree too so he's well into discussing all this which is fun for a restless person like me - also he shares the same first name which is weird lol.

Oh, shit that's intense. You're lucky to be alive

Yup.. Having the police tell me a passenger would have straight up died was a sombre reality check, even while on morphine. Though the whole scenario isn't ideal, I don't think there was any better result. Head-on, I'd probably be dead or in a coma with no legs... The impact was the most intense terrifying thing I've ever experienced.

I guess it's like my Pop said, someone else always has it worse. I was lucky enough to have controlled the crash slightly, combined impact speed about 60 mph... my best friend in Florida, not so lucky. After working 8 hours and playing guitar solo in a bar for 5, he fell asleep while driving home. His custom 1985 Ford Mustang hit a palm tree doing almost 70. He's got titanium and ceramics making up about 30% of his skull/face... can kinda tell too, the skin doesn't stick too well to the Terminator material.

It's possible the Incan (and some African) people molded their heads that way, much like produce growers can make square watermelon and/or had issues with encephalitic viruses... who's to say without collating all the facts.

Likely you've heard of these: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/15/europe/ireland-bog-butter/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/06/16/a-rare-risky-mission-is-underway-to-rescue-sick-scientists-from-the-south-pole/
https://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/06/15/a-2000-year-old-ancient-greek-astronomy-computer-was-just-decoded/ The 2nd link looks worthy enough for General/BBS, plus it's got a tracker app link for airplanes I've never seen before. And the last one is sorta interesting... a month or 3 ago, someone found a much more intact computer off the coast of Greece, kinda surprised it wasn't mentioned....

Wow... Smashing your face up like that must really hurt. I mean, I slammed mine into my arm/steering wheel and only bruised it a bit really but that f**king sucked and hurt for like a week. Having to get surgery must be crazy painful. Like the pain I had in my leg, but in your face :( damn.

As for them topics, I've seen them yes. Though not the butter one, that's pretty mad haha. The Greek computers are amazing. They should be rebuilding them and trying to figure them out better, as I think they'll lead to other tech.

Certainly could be worth a BBS post. I saw someone do one on paranormal but it got kind of ignored. Something like this, with links and stuff to discuss might generate some interest though :) maybe once they finish scanning the pyramid sites...